The CDC library creates a simplified interface for developing a Communication Device Class (CDC) Abstract Control Model (ACM) Serial Emulation device using the Analog Devices ADSP-SC58x ARM Cortex-A5 processor. The CLD CDC example project provided with the CLD SC58x CDC Library implements a basic serial loopback device.
The Audio 2.0 library creates a simplified interface for developing a USB Audio v2.0 device using the Analog Devices ADSP-SC589 EZ-Board. The CLD Audio Example projects provided with the CLD SC58x Audio 2.0 Library implements a basic USB audio device using the ADSP-SC58x ARM Cortex-A5 processor.
The Audio 2.0 with Communication Device Class (CDC) Abstract Control Model (ACM) library creates a simplified interface for developing a USB device supporting the USB Audio v2.0 and CDC protocols. The Example projects provided with the CLD SC58x Audio 2.0 with CDC Library implements a basic USB audio device and CDC serial loopback using the ADSP-SC58x ARM Cortex-A5 processor.
The USB Mass Storage Host Library creates a simplified interface for developing a USB Host supporting the USB Mass Storage Device Class Bulk-Only Transport using a USB port of the Analog Devices ADSP-SC5xx
Note: The example projects use the FatFS Generic FAT Filesystem Module Module to support the FAT filesystem.